Nexus Pheromones™
Here’s what Nexus® Pheromones can do for you:
- Combines Seven Human Pheromones
- Wear It Like a Cologne to Attract Women
- Triggers an Attraction Response Using “Instinct”
- Women Will Be Drawn to You
- Try It Risk-Free with Our Money-Back Guarantee
The Scent That Will Make You Irresistible To Women!
Notice a distinct improvement in the way women approach, interact, flirt, and respond to your advances.
Guys With A Healthy, Fertile “Pheromone Scent” Really DO attract more women.
Women are magnetically attracted to the sex pheromones of healthy, strong, fertile men as part of a subconscious, instinctive drive to procreate and maintain our species.
And not every guy gives off the SAME pheromone “scent”:
Studies over the last 12 years have proven that healthy, fit, attractive guys tend to give off pheromone scents that are preferred by women over the scents of guys who are overweight, out-of-shape, and – yes – less attractive.
It’s not an urban myth: tall, dark, and handsome actually does SMELL BETTER to women!
So here at Nexus Pheromones™, we aim to give guys an edge with women…
Seven Chemicals for “Tall, Dark and Handsome”
Scientists have long known that certain chemicals, called pheromones, trigger strong sexual desire. Studies have even shown that exposure to male pheromones can affect a woman's ovulation cycle, so she's quickly interested in having intercourse.
Nexus® Pheromones has seven pheromones that tell her you're tall, dark and handsome. It's a sexual fragrance that her olfactory system picks up that goes straight to the mating area in her brain.
Just apply Nexus Pheromones to your pulse points or spray it on like a cologne. And instantly, you will give off some strong, sexy signals that tell her you're an alpha male and ready for sex.